Tori Hall is sharing her passion for Aeriel Yoga with St. Augustine and is offering classes on the beach.

Tell me how you got into aerial yoga?
When I was sixteen years old I had heard about aerial yoga and I've always wanted to try it, so when I saw the opportunity to take a teacher training in Sarasota I went for it. At the time, I was already a yoga teacher and I do love yoga but the second I got into the hammock I was hooked.
Does Aerial use more upper body strength?
It uses upper body strength in a different way from traditional yoga where you engage a lot of the front side of your body. With aerial, you are pulling down so you get a lot of engagement in your back muscles. As a society it is pretty much what we need, to strengthen our backs and core.
Where are you teaching it?
I bought freestanding rigs, they are 10 to 11 feet tall and the hammocks are about 3 feet off the ground so I can teach anywhere. I have been teaching on the beach but when it's cooler, we will bring it indoors.
What made you choose St. Augustine to live?
I had gone to the University of Florida for my undergrad and I wanted to live near the beach so I decided to drive the coast south from Jacksonville and apply for jobs. The Corner Bar hired me, so I moved here. I like it here, I was planning on only being here a year, but I like the vibe so I plan to stay.
What did you go to undergrad for?
Applied Physiology and Kinesiology. It’s basically exercise science. I’m in the process of taking my GRE to apply to grad school for physical therapy because I feel that aligns with my interests.
Where are you from originally?
I’ve basically lived in Florida my whole life but my family is from Canada, I was born there in Saskatchewan. I grew up in Port St. Lucie and then moved to Gainesville for college. My parents ended up following me there.
Do they plan to follow you to St. Augustine?
No, they love where they live but my mom, who I have been doing yoga with since I was thirteen years old, comes every Sunday to do my morning Aeriel class.
What made you decide to start teaching here?
I was teaching a lot in Gainesville, fifteen classes a week. When I left, I really missed teaching the Aeriel so I got my own rigs and start teaching it on the beach. I love being outside any chance I get.

Are you interested in teaching traditional yoga here and joining a studio?
Yes, I definitely would like to sub or pick up a class or two.
How are you letting people know about your Aeriel Yoga classes?
I’m trying to promote through Facebook and Instagram. I feel really fortunate because the people I have connected with locally are very much into Aeriel yoga and they keep coming back, so even though it's a small group, it’s a very committed group.
How many people can your class accommodate?
I have six rigs, so if they are all used, I just teach the class without one, I’ve done that before in studio classes. If we get into anything that’s faster paced, I’ll have an advanced student demonstrate or I will.
When do you offer your aeriel classes?
I have Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday morning class at 9:30, but if people can’t make it I try to be flexible. The rate is $35 per person for about an hour and I supply everything.
What’s your goal with the Aeriel Yoga?
I would like to find a space in 2-3 years to do Aeriel Yoga classes.

Follow Tori Hall at Mariposa Aeriel Yoga